Thursday, April 23, 2009


I have to say, I love, love, love my belly dance gals. I never laugh as much or have as much fun as I do with these ladies. Maybe it's because I don't have to worry about sensoring myself, I'm just me. Last night's Bollywood Dreams awoke the late 80's early 90's inside me, so much spandex, hair, not nearly enough eyeball dancing, and of course the amazing laggy subtitles. I am just so grateful to be a part of this group.

In other news, I scootered ~55 miles yesterday. To work, back home, then to Renton for belly dance movie night and back home. To be honest, I was totally freaked out about scootering all the way to Renton... but I did it. I took the back way, and it was surprisingly nice. I scootered through Crown Hill, Ballard, Fremont, Downtown, First Hill, Columbia City, Richmond Beach, then finally ended up in downtown Renton. The ride home was even scarier than the ride there... it was dark, raining and freezing! I most definitely need an anti-fog visor, it's never good to be all fogged up in the rain. My only mishap was a little fish-tailing on Dearborn Ave in the International Dist as I had to come to a pretty abrupt stop, but no spillage, whew!

I am so loving the scooter, maybe someday a real motorcycle - strong enough to carry a side car so I can tote Duece along with me on my travels.

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