Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Scooter Rage

So, it has become blatantly apparent by my waiting nearly 15 minutes at a turn light that I am not heavy enough on my scooter to trigger the light. This doesn't really bother me, I'm more bothered with the jackasses I share the road with. I inched all the way into the crosswalk and motioned for the jackass, who was now 2 car lengths be hind me to move up to trigger the light. I did so after the first rotation that missed our signal. I then honked. No response. Then I got off my scooter and yelled. No response. She was texting. Far more important, how dare I. So got back on my scooter and waited. Then car after car, got out of the turn lane to go past and honked at me, flipped me off, yelled profanities, and one lovely soul threw a can of soda at me - with soda in it. Then, the retard behind me, pulled out and yelled at me. I wanted to put the throdle down and chase the mother fucking bitch to where ever she was going, pull her out of her big ass truck (why she was driving a big ass truck I have no idea...) by her hair and then verbally abuse her.

Driving on the scooter has been quite the experience. It is a totally different experience. I am much more aware of my surroundings, not to mention the scenery and most obviously other drivers inability to just fucking drive. Because I'm on a scooter the bitch putting her makeup on while driving will jet out in front of me and go 15mph when I was going 35... or the jackass on his cell phone, because he's so fucking important and in such a fucking hurry he has to cut me off, nearly hitting me to make sure he can get in front of me and then go under the speed limit. Awesome.

Don't get me wrong, I love my scooter, I really truely do. However, I HATE (yes I know this is a strong word and I mean it) the majority of drivers on the road. They don't pay attention, and more importantly they don't follow the rules of the fucking road. I'm really glad I wear a helmet, that way others can't hear me screaming about all the tards on the road and if I do get hit by one of these mother fuckers I'll still have my brain.

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