Week 3:
Week 4 the blastocyst is officially considered an embryo and is busy implanting itself into the lining of my uterus where the placenta will develop. How exciting right? However fascinating this information may be, the effects of this little bugger growing inside me are driving me batty.
Week 4:
Maybe I should start with how I was feeling a few weeks ago... actually a couple weeks ago (I try so hard not to exaggerate these days...) I was exhausted, barely sleeping and just dragging along in a basically zombie state. I thought it was all of the exercise I had recently started doing more regularly, hot yoga twice a week, bellydance Wednesday nights for 2 hours and running on all of the off days of dancing and yoga. I sought out my trusty acupuncturist for help - she gave me some wonderful herbs to help me sleep better and I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new mattress! Well, the mattress came so I thought I would see how I would fare without the herbs... no such luck, however I blamed it on my bed hog bulldog Duece for pushing me around all night. I droned on through the Thanksgiving holiday, etc. so my exhaustion and lack of sleep was had yet another set of scapegoats. Then my husband, who has an extra sense for just about anything imaginable asked why I hadn't started my period yet... hmmmmm, I wonder? Well, my last cycle lasted 38 days and it was only day 41, no big deal, any day now.
December 2nd curiosity got the best of me. I dragged myself to Safeway on my lunch break and bought a 3 pack of EPT digital tests. I tested one, first pee of the day I might add, nothing but two glasses of water and a latte in my system (FYI, TMI is sort of going to be trend, if you can't deal don't bother with my blog). I placed the stick on the shelf next to the sink and waited, thinking, why did I waste $18 it's not going to be positive... then I glanced, the blinking hour glass was gone... Pregnant... I nearly passed out. I gasped and realized I was at work and I couldn't tell anyone. Oi, what to do. I washed up and walked back to my office, shaken, ghost white and totally speechless. Then I began researching how good these tests really are... well folks, they're pretty good. Damn it... OK, breathe.
Aside from all of the anxiety I began to feel, the nervousness, anticipation of how my husband would react, etc, etc, I really was excited but I was in shock. I stopped taking birth control in July, not to get pregnant but to prepare my body as I'd been on birth control for the last 11 years and I was having some terrible PMS so I wanted to get all of the extra (chemical) hormones out of my system. So we weren't really planning just yet, but we forgot that one time (November 10th) and that was all it took. As my husband warned me, "I have super sperm, Jessica", and he does - his boys can swim, grats to him. So just to be sure, I drank about a gallon of water and took another test, Pregnant. I decided to save the last test to break the news to Dan after my dance class.
So I told him that night, and we are now expecting, "to be parents" or whatever. And today as someones lunch in the office made me want to vomit and also hungry at the same time, I decided I was going to blog about this experience. As much as I can remember to anyway. I'm guessing there is going to be quite a lot of things that will irritate me, excite me, make me cry and I want to both share and archive that experience.
The first thing that really irritated me... no application (for iPhone) or on the interwebz asks what the conception date is to estimate the due date... they all ask for they day of your last period... oi. But I know my conception date, so I'm sticking to that. We'll see what the Dr. says on Thursday, first appointment! The receptionist told me the typically won't see you until at least 8 weeks... but I have my ways and I got my appointment. So stay tuned there will be much much more to come.
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